

文章来源于,感谢作者 Rose 给我们带来经精彩的文章!
Step 2 Place the Silver Glitter Texture Stock image on top of the Text shape layer, and resize it to the text's width. Step 3 Press Command-U to get the Hue/Saturation window, check the Colorize box,

Step 2

Place the Silver Glitter Texture Stock image on top of the Text shape layer, and resize it to the text's width.


Step 3

Press Command-U to get the Hue/Saturation window, check the Colorize box, and change the Hue value to 37.

Go to File > Save, and then File > Close to go back to the 3D Scene.


9. How to Adjust 3D Text Inflation and Bevel Material Settings

Step 1

Select the Text Front and Bevel Material tabs, and then use these material settings:

Specular: (221, 161, 32)

Shine: 50

Reflection: 20

Bump: 3

Refraction: 1.3


Step 2

Select the Text Front Inflation Material tab, click the Bump folder icon, click Load Texture, and then load the Metallic_Silver image.


Step 3

Click the Bump texture icon, and choose Edit UV Properties.


Step 4

Set both Tile values to 1.


Step 5

Select the rest of the Text Inflation and Bevel Material tabs, click the Bump folder icon, and choose the Metallic_Silver texture name from the list.


10. How to Create a 3D Text Extrusion Material

Step 1

Select the Text Extrusion Material tab, click the Diffuse texture icon, and choose Remove Texture.


Step 2

Change the rest of the values as below:

Diffuse: (232, 226, 211)

Specular: (153, 151, 137)

Shine: 20

Reflection: 20

Roughness: 31

Refraction: 1.2


11. How to Create 3D Stroke Materials

Step 1

Select all the Stroke Inflation and Bevel Material tabs, remove their Diffuse texture, and change the rest of the settings as below:

Diffuse: (92, 90, 83)

Specular: (170, 168, 152)

Shine: 50

Reflection: 20

Refraction: 1.2


Step 2

Select all the Stroke Extrusion Material tabs, remove their Diffuse texture, and change the rest of the settings as below:

Diffuse: (228, 183, 63)

Specular: (51, 51, 51)

Shine: 20

Reflection: 20

Refraction: 1.2


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